How To Remove Stains From Toilet? Stains on your toilet bowl can be very baffling not only to your guests but to you also. After cleaning all the other areas of your toilet, stubborn stains may remain and make your bathroom look untidy.
Porcelain material that most toilet manufacturers use to make toilet bowls is prone to blemishes. We rely on rainwater for much of our domestic work, including cleaning. As the rain passes through rocks, it collects minerals and turns to hard water.
Hard water cause stains due to the mineral contents in it. It would help if you did due diligence before you decide to remove stains from your toilet. Some of the following ideas come in handy in stain removal.
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To avoid discoloringthe toilet in the process of removing stains, read the manufacturer’s instructions label. The label will guide you on which chemicals to use and which to avoid. To be precise, you can contact the manufacturer online or through the phone.
Contacting your toilet manufacturer will guarantee your safety in terms of chemical use while removing toilet stains.
Hard water, mildew, and mold are some causes of toilet stains. We need to determine the cause of stain before commencing cleaning.
I highly encourage using homemade concoctions to remove hard water stains instead of chemicals. Some of the locally available hard water removal remedies are as follows.
You can locally purchase a pumice stone cheaply if you do not have one, it usually has a stick handle. Soak the pumice stone for ten to fifteen minutes in water and then use it to scrub the stains.
You can also use old dryer sheets to clean and remove hard water stains. You are lucky if you have used dryer sheets because they are more efficient than new sheets.
You can also use steel wool or sandpaper to scrub away hard water stains. The most suitable grade of steel wool is 0000 due to its fineness. You will need both fine and medium grain sandpaper.
Most people do not like sandpaper because you come into close contact with the stains. Let us have a look at the sandpapering process.
Mold can be a health hazard in your toilet if it stays there for a long time. Several ways will help you get rid of mold before it builds up more in your bathroom. Chemical-free stain removal remedies are environmentally friendly as well as your health.
However, you will not be able to get rid of all stains using natural remedies. Some useful tricks for the control of mold stains and not necessarily natural are;
1. Start by pouring concentrated vinegar on the toilet bowl sides
2. Leave the vinegar to act on the stains for a period of three to four hours
3. After about three hours, scrub the toilet bowl thoroughly using a toilet brush.
4. Flush your toilet bowl thoroughly and repeat the process if there are visible stains.
You may realize some stubborn stains that do not go away even after all these procedures. At this juncture, I would advise you to check your pipes and water storage for the presence of other chemicals.
You can only get off stains once you know their cause. Take much time to study the origin of stain before trying to remove the stains from the toilets.